Monday, September 10, 2018

Shelter Plans And Water Station Generators

Hoke County is looking at opening a shelter at West Hoke Middle School beginning Wednesday night, but officials are still in the process of coordinating with Hoke County Schools on those preparations, County Manager Letitia Edens said this afternoon. The shelter will be operated by Hoke County Department of Social Services and Health Department employees, with food provided by the American Red Cross. More info on final plans for the shelter is expected by tomorrow.

In response to a question we've been getting – per the county manager, the county's water pumping stations either have backup generators in place now, or will have them by close of business tomorrow before the storm closes in. This was an issue for county water customers during Hurricane Matthew in 2016, as loss of electricity due to damage to LREMC's lines caused power outages for the water system and resulted in many people without water service for several days.

However: as stated by emergency management, Hoke citizens still need to be prepared in the event that water and electricity service goes out. Director Bryan Marley advises citizens need to have enough food, water and other supplies on hand to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours after the storm.


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